Working out Menopause: motivate yourself to keep moving

Anna Mooney.

Many women are familiar with symptoms of the menopause - hot flushes, mood swings, low libido, and most of all, weight gain. But recent research that links the brain to our lack of motivation for working out during these turbulent years, could help women to keep their bodies in shape during and after 'the change’. Arlene Harris's great article (in this weeks Irish Independent) on exercise at menopause features our own Aisling Grimley and lot more....

Motivate yourself to get moving - even small spurts of exercise can ease menopause symptoms

Motivate yourself to get moving - even small spurts of exercise can ease menopause symptoms

Menopause: the word strikes terror into the heart of women everywhere. It is not simply the liberating phase in a woman's life where her ovaries stop releasing eggs and her periods stop - meaning she is no longer fertile. It is a time of plague, when hot flushes, mood swings, exhaustion and weight gain are rained down upon us.

But if new research from the US is to be believed, not all of these symptoms are unavoidable when menopause strikes. The study shows that exhaustion and attendant weight gain can result during menopause due to changes in a woman's brain activity, which causes a lack of motivation to keep active.

Get the full low down on shaping up at midlife here:

Arlene Harris on Working out The Menopause in the Irish Independent


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